Monday, November 21, 2011

Feel Good Lost


That's all I could think about the during my first listen of this record. The sounds were so lush and gorgeous. I wish I had a stronger vocabulary but that's how I felt. Another thing, pretty obvious actually, is the lack of vocals throughout. This is actually what I've been thinking about the most; writing music that doesn't really have a melody. I guess in a sense there are lots of melodies but there's nothing that you'll be singing along to. It's an interesting concept actually and one I have never thought about.

I'll be coming back to this album through this week as I move on to You Forgot it in People. And one last observation, a large portion of what I heard previous to this album from BSS felt like a jam session, but this, I don't know it feels composed and crafted. Anyway here's the video I promised.

Death From Above 1979 "Romantic Rights" by lalarikyu

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